Rhythm | Week 4 | February 25

For a lot of us, music is a central part of our lives. In the car, at school, or even just walking through a store, music plays in the background. Music can be more than fun and entertainment for us, though. While the best rhythms and beats can make us want to dance or help us focus to handle our work, they also help us understand how we can develop healthy habits for our spiritual lives. With the right habits, we can set ourselves up to grow closer to God than we could ever imagine. In this four-week series, we'll take some time to explore how we can build rhythms that help us connect with God in new ways. We'll discover how to build a strong rhythm that can sustain us through whatever life brings our way. We'll look at how to create rhythms that help us spend time with God, use our gifts, share our stories, and spend time with others.

Monthly Memory Verse | February 2024

We encourage you to memorize the following Bible verse for this month. Find it in your Bible (if you need one, let us know), highlight it, and work to memorize it. Memorizing scripture is a huge benefit to staying connected with God and coping with the ups and downs of life.

Have any questions? Need anything? Want to know more about WILD Student Ministry and/or Kaw Prairie Community Church?

Email Kim Manson (Family and Student Ministries Director) at kimm@kawprairie.org


Justified | Week 1 | March 3


Rhythm | Week 3 | February 18